Feebleminded - Fear

Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 1:7 KJV

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

In today’s lesson we will examine how “fear” can negatively influence the mind to make it “feeble” and vice-versa how the “feeble mind” can be counterproductive when influenced by fear. General speaking it is said that the word “FEAR” could be an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. This definition is only true in a general sense because there are times in our life where we really do have something confronting us that would make someone afraid. It is one thing to be afraid of something physically threatening one’s well-being as opposed to being afraid of a thought about what could happen in the future. We know there are many phobias in the world today that influence what people do on a regular basis. Some have a fear of flying so they never get on an airplane, others are germ a phobias’ so they are very cautious about what they breath into their lungs. These aliments and many similar type “fears” cause people to think in an irregular fashion such that they go to extreme measures to protect themselves from possible danger but the potential for danger always exist if you believe you have no protection. These people are not crazy nor can you say they can not function in society what we can say although is that they are “feebleminded” in their area of carefulness. In this context we (ihlcc) are clearing stating that, “What you are overly careful about you are fearful of”. The spirit of fear torments and that constant pressure causes one to become weak minded to the point of that constant thought becomes their consuming reality. Pressure is like a weight the longer you carry it the heavier it seems until one day the weight (pressure) breaks you, instead of you breaking the weight. We, as Christians, have the Blood of Jesus as to cleanse us from all sin, which means we are forgiven. In this forgiven state we automatically qualify for complete salvation which means healing, strength and peace. These characteristics of salvation include having a “sound mind” which is free from all “fear”. This “sound mind” withstands the urges to “fear” because we have confidence in God’s Divine protection from accidents in an airplane or germs from any bacteria that could cause us harm and/or whatever else is dangerous and life threatening. Yes, the Name of Jesus Christ is our complete salvation because the Holy Bible tells us that we are complete in Him (Christ Jesus).-Refer to Colossians 2:10 This basically means we have nothing to “fear” in Christ Jesus because the Lord faced real issues of danger and death but overcame them through His unfading faith in God. Likewise we must keep our faith in God to resist the temptation to “fear” the things that are going on in earth and within our mind. This leads us into our second point about people who are already feeble-minded being tormented by “fear” because they choose to believe a lie. Yes, we (ihlcc) are sad to report that the mental institutions of this world are full of people who believe false things. It is reported that many people in the insane asylums are believers in God. One problem that we know about is those who were “feebleminded” and the thought of them committing the unpardonable sin drove them into complete unreasonableness (severe case of feeblemindedness). Yes, the very thought of never being forgiven if dwell on continuously would depress anybody who knew there is a Heaven of God’s Goodness but they thought they didn’t qualify. Now, as sound minded Christians we confidential know that God’s Great Heaven was made for all people to live in, all they need do is believe in the God of Abraham for the Old Testament and believe and confess Jesus as Lord in the New Testament. To get into Heaven in God’s mind is very simple because it is always based on God’s Grace, void of man’s works. However, many people who have been erroneously taught seem to cleave to notion that doing good works is the only pathway into Heaven. No, no, a thousand time no, for we are saved by grace through faith not of works so no man can boast according Ephesians 2:8,9. This is why those people who are properly taught and understand God’s Word develop a “sound mind” while many who are misguided suffer from “feeblemindedness” induced by false doctrine. Although erroneous teaching can’t hurt (negatively affect) all people it can definitely harm the “feebleminded one” through the torments of “fear”. So realize dear saint that you are blessed to be in your right mind through your knowledge and understanding of the Holy Word of God but be thankful because not everyone has the right knowledge and understanding of God. Yes, avoid the teachings of false knowledge (false doctrine) because that will only bring bondage and “fear”. If you do know some people in this “feeble state of mind” have mercy open them if they cannot properly communicate with you and then as a representative of God’s Kingdom (a genuine Child of God) place that (or those) individual(s) on your prayer list to thank God that they are in their right mind because God Word truth is prevailing over their fears. If we can do our part to keep our faith (attention) in God the Lord is very faithful to honor His Word on our behalf. Remember, the Lord will work with us confirming His Word with signs following in the Name of Jesus. Amen!